Hitting the Trails! Nervous!

Well…after a sum total of 6 days…count them SIX!

I am finally ready to brave the trails and go for a walk with my girls again! Not going far…just to the farm!

He was right about there!!

I haven’t decided if I am going to take the back road or not…that dang snake still has me frazzled!

Goes to show there is still a HUGE difference in “Knowing” and “KNOWING”!

For those of you that needed a reminder of why I haven’t walked outside for 6 days!

Wait….The Kids Will Be Here?!?

Who wants to be a stay at home mom?!?

We all idealize the concept of being a SAHM.

“Oh it is going to be fabulous! I’m going to keep the house clean, play with the kids some, do crafts, get some reading done….” the list goes on and on of our “plans”!
So my first few weeks of being a stay at home mommy went super well!

I had the baby taken care of, I was on a cleaning schedule and the house looked awesome ( I mean to the point that the hubby couldn’t tell what I did that day), I cooked dinner (although not very well), and I was able to read like crazy!

I should probably mention here that my career as a SAHM started in March. I was staying home before that but I was on bed rest and unable to do anything! Continue reading “Wait….The Kids Will Be Here?!?”

Welcome to Hick-Ville…Population ME!

Have you ever read a news article from your local newspaper that made you literally *face palm*?

I had one of those moments this morning!

I sit down and start digging through my massive amounts of email and Facebook posts and run across an article that left me speechless.

Blog a Day for 30 days!


I have joined the challenge and decided that I will keep doing my Mommy’s Timeouts in order to complete it! This is day one of the challenge!

I will complete the challenge on July 27!!

If you are interested in joining in on the challenge and choosing to ignore your household responsibilities blog Who am I kidding? We all know we spend more time blogging than we should! every day for 30 days then go on over to Delectably Dawn and get started!

Summer Challenge Day #3

I have to say that I didn’t expect to have any problems doing this challenge.

Honestly, the working out part and eating well…I totally got this!

Only drinking water?!? Well…I didn’t think that would be a biggie either!

Ugh! I am having trouble sleeping, head aches non-stop…basically all signs of


That’s right…I am having withdrawal symptoms over sugary drinks! Oh my gosh!! Seriously?!?
I didn’t think I drank them that often!
Apparently, I drank them often enough to cause myself to become “addicted”!
Guys, you seriously need to look at how much you drink that has sugar in it and see if you can cut back! I never once thought that I drank that much sugary drinks. I was wrong! I admit that now…and I will make it through this. 
Just wanted to share that I never thought I would have these problems with only drinking water.

Google Reader Gone…Bloglovin'!

If you hadn’t heard already…you must have been under a rock! Hehe…just kidding!

Google Reader is going away! Please read the following link to explain what is going on and what you can do to keep following my blog if you are currently following via Google Reader 🙂


Cowboy Boots & Tutus

My four year old makes me feel ashamed, less than fantastic, old fashioned, frumpy, hmm…I’m sure there are other ways of saying it!

Yes, that’s right! I some how have let my FOUR year old make me feel like I don’t dress well enough!

Okay, I’m sure you are quite confused by now. You’re probably thinking “Come on Becca, she’s four! How could she possibly make you feel like that?”

Well…you see what had happened was…

Emalee is slightly HUGELY obsessed with Barbie and Barbie movies lately. I really don’t have a problem with it. Most of these movies have excellent morals and examples for children to follow.

Every Barbie movie has it’s very own moral…I’m sure some of you guys want to know what they are…so here is a link to a list of them!

Yes I took the time to find them all 🙂 It is listed on the back of the DVD, yes she has all of these! After taking the time to get it off the boxes, my slow self realized that there is a website you can get it from 🙁 I so should have googled it first!

Okay, so I know that A Fashion Fairytale has a moral. It is an amazing move…however…my child has learned something more from this movie…

“Mommy, that is so not fashionable! You can’t go out in that!”

Unfortunately, I am not exaggerating!
My four year old has told me on several occasions that I’m not fashionable 🙁
This makes me sad!
My hubby laughs at me and kindly points out…you are worried about fashion advice from a four year old that dresses like this!!


So today, while playing with Emalee, I managed to hurt myself.

Go figure! Those of you that know me, know that I am quite the clutz!

Because of me managing to hurt myself while pretending to have a snow ball fight with a four year old…

My hand is pretty red, swollen and bruising fast! So I head to the cabinet to get some pain medicine and this is what I find… Continue reading ““Ah-see-tah-men-ah-fen””