Mischievous Monday #4

I am super excited about this Mischievous Monday!
Today is the very first Mischievous Monday blog hop!!
I hope a lot of you guys are posting your stories on your blogs and linking up so that everyone can visit and get a good giggle 🙂

Don’t Miss Out On The Blog Hop!

Tomorrow is the Mischievous Monday Blog Hop!
Be sure to type up your posts and link up so that we can all hop around and get a good giggle.
I can’t wait to read everyone’s most mischievous moments!
If you are a reader  and would like to be included just drop me an email with your story and a picture if you have one and I will get it put up 🙂

Sunday Sink of Shame: John Frieda Radiant Red

Hym & Hur Book Review

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. SouthernMessMoms is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

I was given the opportunity to do a review of Hym and Hur by Phillip Frey, an e-book currently available on Amazon and Smashwords.

Continue reading “Hym & Hur Book Review”

How To use StumbleUpon: A guide for beginners & Bloggers

I have found a new thing to play with!


How many of you guys use this already? How many of you understand how to use and when it is okay to add your own posts?

I have been doing all sorts of research to find out all of this!

Just like in my Pinterest How To and How Pinterest Can Benefit Your Blog I tried to pull together some of the important tips and tricks I have found while learning how to use StumbleUpon.
In this post I am going to give a brief overview on how to use StumbleUpon (just the basics) and how it can benefit your blog.

How to Make A Mess-Free PB&J

Welcome to the very first edition of:
Okay, so technically Muffins with Mommy should have been a Cooking With Ema…I didn’t think of it until now though!
These posts will be mainly pictures and video with very little text. I hope you enjoy!
Today, we will be showing you how to make a Mess-Free PB&J! Continue reading “How to Make A Mess-Free PB&J”

Just Like My Mommy: Book Review

Emalee absolutely loves to read! She always has, even before she was starting to learn what all those funky shapes and symbol things were on the pages.

She used to look at the pictures and tell the stories, now she tries to figure out a few words first and then make up what is happening!

Reading is such an important thing to do with children. I started reading with both of my girls while I was pregnant with them, and have continued to read to them daily at bed time, as well as throughout the day if I have the chance.

I think it is important to be a good role model and make sure that my kids see me reading all of the time. Even if it is on my Kindle more than not!

For Christmas this year, Ema asked for new books. How totally awesome is that?!? While looking around Amazon, I ran across this really neat book: Just Like My Mommy by Agnese Baruzzi & IKids. Continue reading “Just Like My Mommy: Book Review”