Welp…it’s time for my first post of the 365 Blogger Challenge!!
SouthernMessMoms 365 Blogger Challenge
Count Down to Christmas: Festive Cupcakes
We all want to surprise our little ones during the holidays, but sometimes it can just seem so overwhelming that we end up taking the ‘easy’ route and buying the sweets instead of making them.
I’m here to tell you my favorite recipe for cupcakes and how to take that recipe and make it festive!
Continue reading “Count Down to Christmas: Festive Cupcakes”
Count Down to Christmas: Elf on the Shelf

Whether you have an Elf or you don’t, we as parents are bombarded with these things on pretty much all fronts this time of the year.
They are online.
They are at friend’s houses.
They are in books and on TV.
They have even found their way into some classrooms!
Trust me…if your child hasn’t mentioned the Elf on the Shelf yet…IT’S COMING! Continue reading “Count Down to Christmas: Elf on the Shelf”
Count Down to Christmas: Day 1

Each day from now until Christmas I will put up a post. Each post will relate to the holidays in some manner. It could be a product review…a scrumptious recipe that I found…or maybe a how to craft! Be on the look out for all sorts of fun posts! Continue reading “Count Down to Christmas: Day 1”
Mommy Writes: FaeTAL Part 11
Oh wow guys! This book is really coming along! Last night I hit 50K+ words!! I worked out a tough scene and added a fun one (well I’m half way through the fun one and plan to finish it today!) I hope to finish the first draft of FaeTAL by Friday and start on the amazing editing process!!
I have also created my very own author page on Facebook, so please head over and check that out!
Mommy Writes: FaeTAL Part 10
FaeTAL is going strong again!
I joined a Facebook Group with a friend and am getting out quite a bit of the story rather fast! It’s going to need some work…but I think it is going to be awesome once I get the story line down and can finally go back and edit!
The Fast Track Divas group is all about reminding us to set word goals and just sit down and write…don’t worry about edits or research…just make a note to come back later and keep on writing!
So far in just the day and a half that I have been a member of the group FaeTAL has gone from 12,458 words to 15,234! It may not seem like a lot…but for a writer that has been suffering from writer’s block for a while…it’s a lot!
Wish me luck as I dive back in!
Mommy Writes: FaeTAL Part 9
I was tagged by Stephanie Waldrop and ST Bende for the 7 lines challenge. I have had a horrible case of writer’s block lately…but I can still share something I wrote a little while back! (I cheated…it’s a bit more than 7 lines…oops? I forgot how to count?)
Anyways…all excuses aside…here are a few lines from page 7 starting at line 7 of my current work-in-progress FaeTAL.
Continue reading “Mommy Writes: FaeTAL Part 9”
Urbini Avi Jogger
Mommy Writes: FaeTAL Part 8
Well…I started doing “spitball” session with a friend and my hubby…it did not end the way I expected!
He gave me a writing assignment…
Apparently doing this is supposed to help me with character development and such…
Have you ever taken part in “spitball” sessions? How about getting writing assignments? Do you think this will help?