Today’s cooking with Ema is going to be loads of fun!
We made cookies! Chocolate chip ones too! I was super proud of how they turned out and will be included the recipe on our new page as soon as I get it up and running!
So here goes! How to make chocolate chip cookies with Ema (through pictures of course!):

Step 1: Get your ingredients (mommy did that for me) & mix them all together! This is the fun & messy part!

Step 2: Melt the butter so it’s easy for me to mix together. (Most recipes say to just soften it…but we always melt it all the way so little people can mix it up too!)

Step 3: Mix your butter into the bowl of flour and stuff. It takes a while to get it all mixed up..just keep tasting it throughout to make sure all sections taste the same! You don’t want to mess up and end up having a spot that doesn’t taste as good!

Step 4: Make mommy help when your arm gets tired and you don’t wan to stir anymore! (That stuff is thick and tough! I promise mommy’s can do it much faster!)
Step 5: use a spoon to put messy yummy balls on the pan (grease it first)! Be sure to put more onto the spoon than you need to, this way you have an excuse to eat it! (See…even mommy ate some!)

Step 6: Stop and let mommy take pictures of the cookie dough…weird step but hey that’s what we did! This stuff tastes even yummier than it looks! (I think it’s the brown sugar that makes it extra yummy!)

Step 7: Let mommy put them into the oh so hot oven and wait not so patiently as they bake!
Step 8: Wait AGAIN as mommy takes more pictures….she seriously doesn’t understand how serious it is to wait 10 minutes on cookies to bake! They smell super yummy and I want one NOW!
Do you cook with your little ones? If so, what is your favorite thing to cook together?