Sleep….NAH I Need Coffee!!

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Check it out! Anna got a tooth and slept through the night! I may just be in heaven!

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Potty Remodel?

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Today I even had a guest on the show 🙂 Hehe…best guest ever!

Be sure to share and show me some love!!

Day In A Hurry

Today’s Mommy’s Time Out is all about my crazy chaotic day!

The Ohmies Review & Giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given the products in this post for the purpose of a review. I was not paid in any way to write this review. All opinions are my own.  This post may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. SouthernMessMoms is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

The Ohmies

Looking for a great way to get your kids active while having fun? How about mix in a little bit of yoga and stretching as well? If so you definitely need to check out The Ohmies! Continue reading “The Ohmies Review & Giveaway”

Rock ‘N Learn Alphabet DVD Review and Giveaway

Disclaimer: I was given the products in this post for the purpose of a review. I was not paid in any way to write this review. All opinions are my own.  This post may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. SouthernMessMoms is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Rock 'N Learn Alphabet

 As most of you guys already know, I am a big advocate of making learning fun! The Rock  ‘N Learn Alphabet DVD definitely fits into this category!

Continue reading “Rock ‘N Learn Alphabet DVD Review and Giveaway”