Pin Me Right Round 5


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October Is Here!!

Mommy’s Time Out
Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment, and Subscribe!

Lemons and Lavender Review

Disclaimer: I was given the products in this post for the purpose of a review. I was not paid in any way to write this review. All opinions are my own.  This post may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. SouthernMessMoms is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Lemons and Lavendar

Continue reading “Lemons and Lavender Review”

October Fitness Challenge

october fitness challenge


Join me!

This is the October Fitness Challenge! This is an easy one!

Drink ONLY water


Run, walk, OR CRAWL (I don’t care how you move…just move) AT LEAST 1 mile a day every day !

I am adding an Inlinkz to this post so that we can keep each other motivated! I will be linking up my MyFitnessPal account and would love to connect with you guys through there! 

You can also join up to the Facebook Page for extra motivation! I will post daily challenges and motivations 🙂

[Tweet “Come on guys! LET’S MAKE OUR FAT CRY!”]

[inlinkz_linkup id=326722 mode=1 pageSize=300]

Green Mountain Coffee

[Tweet “Have you heard of @GreenMountainCoffee? It’s #GMCFairTrade!”]

I am receiving a FREE package of Green Mountain Coffee soon and simply cannot wait!

If you are interested in getting your own head on over to ChooseFairTrade! They are offereing $1.00 of until October 15, 2013!!

Supplies are limited so don’t wait around…

[Tweet “Head on over and GET YOUR COFFEE ON!!”]

What is Fair Trade Coffee? Well according to Green Mountain Coffee

“Fair Trade certification gives farmers a fair price for their beans with a guaranteed minimum, which means they can invest in their crops, their communities, and their future. Fair Trade also lets Green Mountain Coffee® and farmers work closely together to bring the best tasting coffee to market.”

Not too surprisingly, I had never really thought about Fair Trade before this opportunity to work with Green Mountain Coffee came around. I had even used their K-cups before and didn’t realize it!

After reading a bit and learning a TON I know that if I have a choice I will ALWAYS go Fair Trade products from now on!

[Tweet “It’s not difficult to support #GMCFairTrade, so why not start spreading the word today?”]

Head on over to ChooseFairTrade and look at their selection of K-Cups! Which is your favorite?

Super Mom Tag

Mommy’s Time Out: Super Mom Tag!!
Super Mom Tag
I was tagged by Penny over at Real House Wives of Carolina County to join in on this awesome Super Mom Tag.
I would like to tag anyone and everyone that watches this to join in on the fun!
[Tweet “I mean come on guys…who doesn’t want to admit that we are so not super moms?!? hehe”]
Please don’t forget to like, share, comment, pin, subscribe….ya know all of that lovely stuff that gives me a blogasm?!?
Check out the other awesome people that joined in on the fun:
[inlinkz_linkup id=323579]

Leap Into The Holidays!


Hosted by: Delectably Dawn and Southern Mess Moms

[Tweet “BLOGGER OPP We are giving away a LeapFrog LeapReader and Monsters University LeapReader 3D Book. It is a $64 value.”]

The giveaway will begin November 1st and run through November 14th. The free link with announcement posts end October 29th at 11:59pm, paid entries end October 30th at 11:59pm.

  • Co Host slots starting at $8 includes 4 links, back link to your blog and discounted extras.

  • Link Package starting at $5 with 3 links and discounted extras.

  • Individual links starting at $3

  • Free Twitter link with an announcement post

Click Here for Entry Form

HTML for Announcement Post