“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and to thank me for my participation. All opinions are my own.”

Annaliese has gone from a sweet little girl that will lay there and allow you to do whatever needs to be done to an increasingly active one year old that refuses to lay still for a diaper change! I swear each time we walk into her room to change her diaper it is like someone dimmed the lights, cut on the music and rang the bell to start the match!
I honestly hear “Let’s get ready to RUUUMMMMBBBLLLLEEEE!!” in my head every single time!
Generally by the time my wonderfully adorable wiggle worm of a child allows me to get her diaper off…keeping her “pinned” for the count to get that new one on just doesn’t come easy. If I am being honest…I generally end up losing the match to a 19lb baby!!
Seriously! There has got to be a better way…right?!? Continue reading “Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Diapers Review”