It’s Sit Around Saturday time! I totally just realized something…it’s abbreviation fits super well
Sit Around Satruday = SAS
These interviews are definitely full of SAS! Love it!
This week we will be sitting around with the amazing LadyBlogger, if you haven’t had a chance to check out her site then you are seriously behind the times! It is chock full of helpful posts and so much more!
Well, you guys know the drill! Basics first…then for the fun stuff!
Describe your blog in 15 words or less
LadyBlogger is where intelligent people go for info on parenting, education, kids and blogging.
It’s not just for intelligent people, hehe i happen to LOVE her site…and well lately I so don’t feel very intelligent!
When did you start blogging?
I started blogging in 2013.
YAY for newbie bloggers!!
How did you come up with your blogs name?
I came up with the name LadyBlogger b/c it’s what I am…a lady (well, technically, anyway!) and a blogger.
What is something about yourself that most of your readers don’t know?
In ninth grade I gave up speedskating for cheerleading.
How do you spend your time when you aren’t blogging?
I have two teenage sons, one starting high school and one finishing high school and a husband I’ve been with for over 30 years.
WOW! That is a lot of testosterone in one house!! How do you do it?!?
What do you find most challenging about blogging?
Keeping focused on your own goals and not worrying about what other bloggers are doing.
That is a tough one! It is so easy to get wrapped up in what other blogs look like and are doing. I am learning that it is better to just be myself on my blog!
What do you find most rewarding about blogging?
One nice comment from a reader goes a long way! 🙂
It totally does! 1 nice comment can make up for just about anything in a day!
What post are you most proud of so far? Link it please 🙂
I’m proud of my blog about blogging mistakes I’ve made…
I’ve read this one! It is really good! You guys definitely need to check it out!
Pick two of your favorite blogs to read that you would like me to invite to do Sit Around Saturday!
Ask me one question…any question at all and I have to answer it no matter what!
What was your favorite part of high school?
Ummm….I don’t know. Most likely Ag was my favorite part. I know, I know…totally redneck/country of me, but I really enjoyed all parts of it. I was able to weld, work with huge tools like band saws and such, and build and garden all the time.
It was really rewarding to see the results of all of my hard work. I am proud of many things, however, knowing that the flower garden out front of the elementary school look so wonderful because of the watering system my class put in still makes me smile.
If you could have any one toy what would it be? Why?
A teddy bear…the huggability factor is better than any other toy I can think of.
If you could have one super power what would it be? Why?
Definitely the ability to fly! I’ve had lots of dreams about flying over treetops..just me, no assistance.
What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Protein puddings, protein shakes, fresh fruit and bottled water. The first three things are for my boys…
If your blog was a dessert, what would it be and why?
Creme brulee…It’s filled with way too many calories, but you love it, feel great while you’re enjoying it, and order it again!

Okay…I so have never made this!! Luckily, hubby has and shared his recipe with me!!
If you were in jail and on death row…what would you last meal be?
Probably a filet, mashed potatoes, green beans, mac-n-cheese and something very chocalate-filled for dessert.
What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
I love this question! I think abut things I need to do, things I’d like to do, and good memories from college.
Name 3 things within a 2 foot radius of yourself right now.
COFFEE (always!) my laptop, books, and mail about possible colleges for my son.
That’s 4…..but I supposed if coffee is attached to you at all times it doesn’t have to count! 🙂
What song best describes you? Why?
Probably “Take Me Home Country Roads.” I’m not from the country, but I’d like to be. I always wanted to have a big ole white house and a farm with tons of animals.
I’ve been in the country most of my life and I absolutely wouldn’t change it for the world!!
If you were a star wars/star trek (you pick) character who would you be and why?
Gotta be an Ewok. Small but mighty!
Hahahaha love it!
If you were a cartoon character who would you be and why?
Porky Pig.
Take a moment and write a short rant & ramble post for us. It can be any topic that you would like…just keep it legal please!
I just got back from seeing six colleges with my 17 year old son. We did this in under six days and I am still not caught up on my sleep. The whole college deal is waaaaaay different today then when I did it, which I am clearly aware my parents also said and makes me sound ancient. I’ll blog about it more in detail but I can tell you this: We’re not done visiting colleges and he’ll visit at least three schools at least twice. -sigh-
I am not looking forward to this! I have a while before it’s time…but the thought alone scares me!
Creme Brulee
3 TBSP melted butter
1 1/2 TBSP vanilla extract
2 TBSP white sugar
1 1/4 cups milk
1/4 cup half and half
1 1/2 cups flour
3 TSP baking powder
1 TSP salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 TBSP brown sugar
1/2 TSP cinnamon
1 TSP butter (or spray butter)
- Mix the egg with the 3 tablespoons melted butter, vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon white sugar. Mix in the milk and half & half. Sift flour with baking powder and salt in a separate bowl; stir flour mix into liquid mix to make a smooth batter.
- Mix together 1/4 cup white sugar with brown sugar and cinnamon.
- Spray the pan with spray butter or melt 1 teaspoon butter in a pan over medium-low heat. Scoop or pour some of the batter onto the pan once it’s hot. Sprinkle the top of the pancake with the cinnamon sugar mixture. Let the pancake cook until the bottom is golden brown, usually 2 to 3 minutes. Flip it! Cook it until the cinnamon sugar melts into a crust, about 3 minutes. Repeat with remaining batter and cinnamon sugar.
- IMPORTANT: Let the pancakes cool WITHOUT stacking them!!
Well, there you have it! Some yummy pancakes! Emalee LOVES these!
2 thoughts on “Sit Around Saturdays: Lady Blogger”