Southern Mess Moms is no longer a one-woman show! My bestie and fellow messy mom has decided to join me on this amazing journey and share about the chaos that comes along with motherhood 🙂
Want to learn more about each of us? Read on for some behind the scenes madness!
Alright, I guess I’ll start things off. My name is Becca and I am one hell of a mess when it comes to… well everything! Life is messy and I love it! I married my high school sweetheart (Usually called The Hubs) and we have 2 awesome little girls, Emalee and Annaliese. Just to keep things interesting (Because ya know being a mom of 2 isn’t enough right??) we also have a house and yard full of animals. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 guinea pigs, 20 something odd chickens (constantly growing) and are about to get a bearded dragon… oh and did I mention the goats we are working on getting?!
In my spare time (HAHAHA I kind of remember what that is…) I am an Indie author of a paranormal romance series. You can find my books on Amazon… but they are definitely NOT kid friendly! I’ll probably post about it from time to time… it’s been a crazy ride but one that I definitely don’t regret. I also love to play video/board games… yep I’m a total dork and don’t have a single moment of embarrassment over it.
So why Southern Mess Moms? Why blog? Well… mainly because, like most moms, I kept feeling like I was screwing up on pretty much a daily basis. Yet in this ‘Pinterest Perfect’ world we live in when I look around all I see are these moms doing it all right. I often found myself wondering if I was the only one that couldn’t get it right the first go round. Over time I realized that I was far from alone. Most moms have the exact same thoughts that I had… we were all just too scared to admit it.
We were all too scared to let people see the chaos beneath the surface. Mind you the struggle to tread water and only let people see the calm and collected you just made things worse. We all know that while our head may be above water at the moment… all it will take is one small misstep and everything will come tumbling down around us.
Maybe you’ve had one of those days, or maybe even a few in a row, where you feel like you are doing everything wrong. Maybe someone made a snide remark about your children, or your house, your choice to stay at home? Maybe someone flat out said you were a bad mom… well you know what I have to say about that?? Don’t listen to them! We are all going to have bad days. We are all going to mess up and make mistakes. Being a mother means finding a way to balance out the chaos and keep your head above water. My kids’ favorite show (The Magic School Bus) often says my mommy moto: “Take chances! Make mistakes! Get Messy!”
I created Southern Mess Moms as a way of letting other moms see that it is okay to not get it right the first time. It’s okay to be a complete and utter mess! I am a work in progress, I am far from perfect… and both of those things are perfectly acceptable! I started this blog as an outlet for some fo the random things that happen throughout the day as well as the crazy things constantly running through my head. I love my quirky attitude, sense of humor, and constant thirst for knowledge and I hope you will too!
To me, Southern Mess Moms is a place to come that has no filters… no judgments… just real life!
Now to find out a bit more about my co-blogger, Amanda!

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