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Book Length: 274 pages
Main Characters: Jase Kayrs and Brenna Dunne
Click here for the full series review!
In Shadowed, Jase Kayrs is no longer the easy going man he used to be, after six years of imprisonment and torture he has a score to settle and isn’t interested in much outside of his mission.
Brenna Dunne used to be an awesome, bad-ass witch. Now the poison that is killing her has taken her powers as well. While she knows that there is more to Jase than what meets the eye, there is no time to figure it out. Taking the handsome Jase as her mate may just save her life…but once she lets his desire and passion lose there is no turning back!

Poor, poor Jase Karys š He is so haunted and just plain sad and angry. I love that we get to read his story and the fact that he ends up with Brenna is just even better!
This book has so many twists and turns that it had me jumping and laughing and crying! I just wanted everyone to be okay and happy! This is a really hard one to review without any spoilers…so I will just keep it short and sweet!
I ADORED THIS BOOK! Yes, Jase is a Kayrs all the way…which means there is a ton of alphamale crap to deal with. However, even he didn’t stoop to the levels that were in the first few books in this series. I loved the interactions between Jase and Brenna, watching their relationship grow and change and morph into something they totally didn’t expect was wonderful.
A lot of issues come to a head in this book and I am dying for the next one! I have a feeling that this story line is coming close to an end…even if I don’t want it to! This is definitely one of those frustrating series’ where you want to know what is going to happen so badly…but you aren’t ready for the books to end!