Month: August 2013
So You Want To Be A Vulcan?!?
This post contains an affiliate link to CafePress! Help us pay the bills and buy some shirts! Love ya!
Before I can get to the awesomeness that is Mischievous Monday’s…I must explain the title…some of you are probably confused by it…while others totally understand those that understand are totally awesome!

Reviews & Giveaways sheets for the NEW FREE BLOG PLANNER!!
Continue reading “FREE BLOG PLANNER part 2”
Becca’s Mess IS HERE!!
I am joining forces with Delectably Dawn!
I will be writing at least one post a week over on Becca’s Mess! The topics will vary but will no doubt be humor based =)
I just put up my very first post! It’s a simple about me page for her readers that haven’t met me yet…be sure to check it out and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT & SHARE SHARE SHARE! hehe
Show us some love guys!
Get Inspired #4
You guessed it! It’s time for me to join forces with some amazing bloggers for the Get Inspired Blog Hop! I am totally loving this!!
Last week we had an AMAZING amount of people link up and OH MY GOSH!!! What awesome posts!! I loved it!! If you missed it be sure the check it out! Continue reading “Get Inspired #4”
Free Blog Planner
The Pretty Planner has been such a success that I just HAD to make another one! This planner is a much simpler version. Part 2 has the reviews & Giveaways. I plan to add a few more pages to it for giveaways, reviews and such over the next week!
Continue reading “Free Blog Planner”
I’m Social Awkward!! Are you?
Show & Tell
Annaliese was show & tell today for Emalee’s class!
It was a lot of fun to get to see the class in action and see how much Emalee really does love it! This week (and next) they are focusing on the letter Aa!
When asked what in her house that started with the letter Aa that she wanted to take to school…she quickly responded with, “Annaliese starts with A! It even has 2 a’s in it mommy! Can we take her?!?” Continue reading “Show & Tell”
Magic Moves Electronic Wand Review
Have you heard of the Magic Moves Electronic Wand? It is an amazing electronic learning toy that makes for some epic, unforgettable indoor games for kids! I just cannot express how in love I am with this as an educational toy. It is a PERFECT kids activity that makes getting kids to exercise simple and fun.
Got your attention yet? Yeah I thought so! Be sure to read to the end and check out the awesome Video Review! Continue reading “Magic Moves Electronic Wand Review”
Inlinkz Part 2: How to Organize Your Page
This week on
I am going to show you a new way to use Inlinkz!!
I don’t know about you guys, but I am constantly fighting with a few of my pages! I have the hardest time getting my images to line up and look good on pages like: Blogging Tips and Recipes.
I’ll get it to look right and then create a new page, add it to my list and BAM! it’s all messed up again! UGH!