The Rules:
1.) Follow all FIVE of your hosts! as well as your TWO co-hosts!

2.) Visit three other blogs, and leave a comment to let them know you were there!
3.) Share the hop in any way you feel comfortable.
(Pins, Tweets, and FB shares are greatly appreciated!)
4.) Grab the button!
If you would like to co-host Socially Awkward Link-Up and the “Mommy’s Monthly” blog hop, please email Dawn -delectablydawn[at]gmail.com
The OPTIONAL monthly challenge:

September’s challenge is an “Image” challenge. Create 10 images this month that are “Pinnable” for your blog post!
They can all be in one post, or in several.
Leave a comment saying “Challenge Accepted” and a link to your blog, so we can check out your posts through out the month!
As an added bonus, my partner in crime Southern Mess Moms, aka Becca’s Mess, is also hosting a brand new weekly pinterest party! “You Pin Me Right Round” Take the challenge, link up every week with the Pinterest party and get not only content for your blog, but more exposure!
*Your email is obtained to notify you of the next Mommy’s Monthly Blog Hop. You will be able to unsubscribe from this at any time.*