Do you have a little one that loves to wear your make-up? How about watch you wash your face each day? Ever wish that there was a product that was safe for them to use to wash their face with you? Guess what?!? TooFruit is just that!!
TooFruit is a company that makes skin care products for kids! How awesome is that?!?
When we got the opportunity to do a review of TooFruit products I just couldn’t pass it up!
Emalee is an absolute girly girl! She is always doing her make-up (quite beautifully I might add!) and I have always wanted something super safe for her to use to get her face clean. The last thing I want is for her to end up with a greasy acne filled face because I let her play with make-up as a kid.
It arrived in a nice little box. Emalee was extremely excited to see what was in it.
She just kept repeating over and over:
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Mom I can’t believe my eyes!!”
And then she found the PINK BOX!!
That face says it all doesn’t it? She is soooo very excited by this part! Wonder what it is?
That’s right! It is kid friendly PERFUME!!! Oh my gosh! Emalee is in heaven! The sales rep that I spoke with said that this product is even safe for Annaliese (5 months old) to use if we wanted.
What’s great? This stuff smells AWESOME! Oh my gosh guys! Like seriously, I would wear it!
Okay, so my child decided that she should first test it on me to be sure that it was safe and “doesn’t stink mommy”. Top left corner.
She then proceeded to put it on EVERY FEASIBLE PART OF HER BODY THAT SHE COULD REACH!! The poor thing smelled like a harlet for about 2 days…even a bath didn’t get the smell to go away! lol
I eventually got her past the perfume and on to the other products in the box. She also received:
Emalee was very excited to get started cleaning her face and being a “grown up girl” as she put it.
Here are a few pictures of her using some of them
I know, I know…you are thinking…that was boring! No sound just pictures! Well..guess what?
I rock! I took a video of her using ALL of it! 😀 Here you go!
Well, you heard the girl! She loves it and feels GREAT!
Please ignore my bathroom in the background lol we are still working on remodeling in there and it looks sort of rough!
The TooFruit products all worked wonderfully! Emalee even accidentally got some in her eye and it didn’t bother her one little bit. I am absolutely thrilled with each and every one of these and would absolutely recommend them to others!

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