Welcome to the very first edition of Mischievous Monday!
Be sure to get in your story for next weeks edition!
This is going to be a place where us moms get to share some of the more devious, yet hilarious, things that our kids, significant others, and animals do through out the week. I hope to have several people join in each week and share their moments!
I think this will be a lot of fun and a way to get a short intro to your blog out there! If you didn’t get to join in this week and would like to next week please just send me the following information:
Blog Name, a link to your blog, (a short description of your blog if you would like), how many children you have, ages, and the most mischievous moment of the week with a picture if you have one!
If you don’t have a blog but still want to share your story, which I would be thrilled to hear, you can just send me your name (or a nickname if you want to be anonymous), how many children you have, ages, and the most mischievous moment of the week with a picture if you have one!
Now for this weeks Mischievous Moments:
Southern Mess Moms:
Still jumping! |
Jumping, jumping, jumping! |
For those that don’t know: I have 2 awesome little girls ages 4 and almost 4 months!
I will start with my own house holds most mischievous moment. Sorry, nothing too scandalous this week. After being asked to stop jumping on my bed on several prior occasions, Emalee decided to wait til I was feeding the baby and then go into my bed room and shut the door (A pretty big no no in our house). I had a good idea what she was up to, however I couldn’t get in there right away. Once I finished feeding the baby I get the camera and sneak quietly to the door. This is what I find…
I got caught!! |
Collapse! |
Pouting… |
Time with A & N
The never ending story of navigating the trenches of parenthood where crazy is a parenting style. Share in the laughter and tears.
Angela has two beautiful little girls ages 4 and 1. Here is their most mischievous moment of the week!
Didn’t have one of them on the table…but this is just adorable! |
I’m going to go with finding my two daughters standing on the kitchen table like it’s a stage singing “Rock It B A B Y”, a song my four year old has made up that she performs frequently. Their dad told them it’d be cool if they were the next sister band, and she took it to mean they needed to practice and thought the top of the table would make a nice stage!
Momas Got a Brand New Bag

Momma has four, yes FOUR, amazing little babies! They are ages 10, 5, 2, and 1! (Wow she has her hands full!! How she has time to blog I may never know, but I sure am glad she does!) The most mischievous moment of our week was when Dalilah (my two year old) got a hold of the diaper rash ointment and COMPLETELY covered my one year old from head to toe! It was hilarious and I really wish my camera was charged so I could have caught the moment on camera! He looked like a little ghost he was so white and it took not one but TWO baths to get it all off! When they say it wicks moisture from the skin they aren’t kidding!!!!
Okay, maybe I have the moment. And with the kids calm for a second and using your wisdom of locking yourself in the bathroom, here it is.
I am a mama to three boys. Two year old twins and a preschooler. Life is chaos in our house. Extremely loud. There is always someone getting into something. And sometimes they even all team up against me.
Pudding Mess.
My kids love pudding. Adore it. Its a big treat in our house. We were outside celebrating the wonderful sunshine. I decided to give my oldest a snack. Pudding, of course. I went inside to grab some napkins. When I came back outside. Busted! For some reason, his younger brother had pudding all over his face. When I asked Jaxxon if he gave his brother some pudding, his response was
Jaxxon: “No, I didn’t give him any.”
Mommy: “Why is their pudding on his face then.”
Jaxxon: “I don’t see pudding”
Mommy: “What is it then”
Jaxxon: “Its his makeup, like mommy wears!”
Busted! Needless to say. I had two with a pudding mess everywhere.

Madison has 3 other siblings. A 17 year old sister, 12 & 8 year old brothers, 2 dogs, 1 cat and 5 fishes! (A super full house!)
She is always mischievous but her favorite thing is to lock her Kitty in her toy kitchen placing her on timeout. They’re the best of friends and she thinks it’s hilarious! Now Kitty has come to accept the fact that she’s on timeout and goes in willingly.
You’re on timeout Kitty! Look at her pointing that finger! I’m sure that’s what she wanted to say!
Hi! My name is Emily and I blog over at Life {Im}perfected!
I have 2 kids: Lily (2) and Jack (4 months)
The following is my 2 year old’s mischievous moment:
Lily celebrated her second birthday this past week. On Friday, we went to my mom and dad’s house to prep for the party. My mom made cupcakes and sat them on the dining room table. We were in the kitchen, when Lily decided to walk into the dining room. Before we knew it, she was picking of a cupcake and eating it! She thought she was being sly, but when she came back into the kitchen she had chocolate in her teeth!