Well…let’s just say that today was an amazingly busy day!
I got the house clean, played with the kids…dyed my hair…
and here is where it all went wrong!

We have all been there…or at least I’m pretty sure I’m not the first, last, or only one to screw up their hair!
Yep! You read right! I S.C.R.E.W.E.D it up!
I mean massive coloring failure!
My husband has been asking me to dye my hair red for years and I have always shied away from it and gone a different color. Anyone whose hair naturally has red in it knows that no matter what color you go with there will always be some red to it. I have literally dyed my hair black and it ended up black with red freaking highlights! I mean come on!
So this time I used another Garnier product…but a different type of it. I figured maybe it would be just as good and heck it is supposed to be awesome for the condition of your hair.
Yeah..ummm…it did not go well!
While it was on it looked extremely red! I mean scary red! I was a little frightened about what the end result would be. I never once thought it would end up how it did!
Okay…so I am sitting here drinking a glass of amazing White Zinfandel to calm my nerves enough to add these not so flattering pictures of myself!
No make-up….hair dye everywhere and in my cleaning clothes! AHHH!
Run screaming while you still have your eye sight in tact!!
Moving on…I apologize for the rant! Where was I? Oh yeah…hair dye gone bad! So I sit around with this amazingly not so smelly hair dye on my head for a good 30 minutes expecting my hair to be insanely red when I’m done. I go to rinse it out and it looks like I butchered some poor innocent animal in my bath tub! I so wish I had gotten a picture of this! It just kept coming and coming!
The instructions say to rinse until the water runs clear…well it NEVER did! I mean not at all! So I finally gave up and said it was close enough. I condition it and then go to dry it….and THIS is what I find…
The Flash is on in some and it hides how horrible it truly was! |
So now you see my dilemma…
I have a very, massive, awful, horrible, terrible, unrealistic hair color! I am sitting in my bathroom trying not to cry or freak out, and failing miserably!

What do I do now?!? What color is possibly going to fix this?!?
Because I am currently locked in the bathroom trying not to cry and refusing to so much as peek out, my husband heads off to the store to find some color we think will fix this. He comes back with this…
Like most of you, I had never heard of a product called Color Oops. However, this is absolutely the most amazing invention ever!
I mean like up there with wine!
I totally love wine…so placing it next to wine is saying something!
This is by far the best idea ever!!! This stuff was totally my salvation today!
Okay so basically, if you do what I did and dye your hair (it has to be going darker not lighter) and it totally bombs, fails, fill in the blank here….this product takes the color away and puts it back like it was before you did it!
My first thought was “haha yeah right! How could that possibly work!”
Luckily, I was just desperate enough to give it a shot. Here are my results:
Fingers crossed! Please, OH PLEASE, this HAS to work! |
How cool is that?!?! I was so doing my dorky grin and happy dance! |
So, now you have seen my results! There are still a few spots of dark red in it…but over all a VERY impressive product!! I still cannot believe how well it worked!
This does lead me to my idea for hair color products:
You guys need to offer different package sizes! Some for short hair, medium, and long! It would make so much more sense to be able to pick one that is right for the amount of hair you have! Some of these just don’t have enough product for someone with thick, medium length hair.
Because there are still some spots of dark red in my hair…and a nice size part of me still wants to make my hubby happy and dye my hair red…I decided to try one more time! This time using the Garnier Nutrisse product that I know and love!
Here is my new hair! What do you guys think?!?
Blonde after ColorOops and red after re-dying 🙂 |
Yes I’m a total DORK…don’t worry you’ll come to love me for it!
If you haven’t already!
Before and after! Which do you prefer! |
Please comment and let me know!
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