So when I decided to make this my Mommy’s Timeout for the day I had one game in mind….
Please be sure to comment and let me know if you have any other reasons the game is evil or signs you may be addicted!
For those of you who have not heard of this game… haha yeah I’m totally sure there is at least one person left right? Anyways, as I was saying, for those of you who have not heard of it, it is a basic matching game. It starts off EXTREMELY simple which causes people to slowly get addicted to it. (most people don’t even realize it for a while)
Around level 8ish it starts to get significantly more difficult as it adds in new rules and candies that you have to work around. This upsets some people, however, it made me want to play it more. I mean who wants to play a game where there is no challenge right?
Okay, so now that your on level 10 or so you are most likely starting to actually lose lives! This is when part of candy crush’s evilness starts to shine through. How many lives do they give you…5! Just 5 lives…when they are gone you have two choices. Both choices are equally evil…
#1 Wait 30 minutes to get 1, yes only 1, life back.
#2 Ask your friends for lives.
Choice #2 seems like an okay choice to begin with. I always say, “I’m only sending requests for lives to those people that the game tells me are already playing the game.” or “I’m only asking for lives from those people who ask me first.” This way I am not bugging friends that don’t play. This totally makes bugging your friends okay…right?
Even if you start off innocently asking for lives…eventually you realize how fast you go through lives. It takes you a total of 5 minutes max to play a level, sometimes even less. If we stick with this average and say you lose 5 times in a row…you are asking friends for lives at least every 30 minutes!
Now is where another E.V.I.L aspect of candy crush pops up…I may have lied earlier.
I kind of left off an option #3 for getting lives….you can give Facebook your credit card information (haha yeah right?!?) and candy crush will happily send you more lives.
You can also purchase special candies and moves to help you beat a level.
I know what you are thinking. “I would NEVER spend money to get past a level on a silly Facebook game!”
Well, so far I have stuck with that and have not spent a single penny on my game. However, I will admit to wishing I could give in and spend the money. There have been many occasions where I spent weeks…even months on a single level!
The thing with candy crush is that there really is no skill to it…it is pretty much luck!
A large number of people talk about the music and the speech in the game. The music is sort of boring to me and gets annoying rather quickly…I always cut the music off so that I can play longer without getting annoyed.
Now that I have whined a bit about why the game is E.V.I.L I would like to make a list of signs that you may be addicted to candy crush:
1. You lay down at night, close your eyes…and see candy falling against your eyelids! (Guilty)
2.The mere mention of chocolate or jelly can make you angry.
3. You have Googled candy crush “strategies” (I put this in quotation marks because I believe it is a game of luck!)
4. You check your phone every few minutes to see if you have new lives and or tickets.
5. You often find yourself screaming at the computer screen when you have full lives and no tickets.
6. You have ever messaged or emailed a friend asking them to please get on and send you lives/tickets.
7. You have realized that if you switch between your phone and your computer the game can’t keep up and you get 10 lives instead of 5. (Guilty)
8. You found that you can change your time zone on facebook and confuse the game into giving you more lives. (Not kidding read someones comment..they did this!)
9. You are in a semi-crowded room of people and can pick up the sound of the game anyways.
10. You have become the candy crush dealer. You are pushing your friends into playing so that you have more people to ask for lives and tickets. (Guilty)
11. People around you don’t have to ask what you are doing on your phone anymore. (Guilty)
12. You have been judged/picked on by those close to you about the amount of candy crush you play.(Guilty)
13.You complete a post about being addicted to an evil game and then proceed to play it! (GUILTY!)
13.You complete a post about being addicted to an evil game and then proceed to play it! (GUILTY!)
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